Why counselling?
- Counselling or psychotherapy helps reduce your stressors over the short-term and long-term, giving you strategies to cope.
- Counselling helps you have a better relationship with everyone: your spouse, partner, children, parents, coworkers, etc.
- Counselling can help you “find happiness and peace”, whereas a nice car, beautiful home, great job, great partner or lots of money may not.
- Counselling can help you “find happiness and peace” and thereby perhaps get all those other material things like: a nice car, beautiful home, great job, etc., etc.
- Counselling can help you heal and resolve past hurts and wounds that may be plaguing you, sometimes since childhood.

Stress & Anxiety
Do you have chronic worries or find yourself always fretting? Are they just irritating or do you lose sleep over them? Are they so stressful that it's hard for you to function?

Grief & Loss
Have you recently lost a friend or loved one? Do you feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you? Have you just gone through a break-up?

Have you been feeling the blues or feeling down? Hard to stay up-beat ... or do you drag yourself through the day? Does life seem "grey" and joyless to you?

Relationship Issues
Having difficulties with friends, family, loved ones or even co-workers? Do you find it impossible to speak to certain people? Trouble connecting with others?
More areas of treatment
- Depression
- Stress and anxiety
- Trauma
- Bereavement / Grief
- Workplace stress
- Work / life balance
- Relationships and family dynamics
- Seniors' issues
- Caregiver Stress
- End of life issues
- Spiritual Issues
- Workshops & presentations